Looking for the Two Witnesses

March 15, 2024 – No. 43

Analysis and commentary on today’s prophetic events from author and biblical researcher – Dr. Christian Widener


I would like to welcome all of you, and especially all of you who are new subscribers this month, to the ETB Watchman Report!

In this newsletter, I’d like to primarily deal with the question of the identity of the Two Witnesses. Who are they? When will they appear? What will their ministry look like? And I also have a few updates for you at the end…

This is a long post, by the way, but I hope you will take some time to really think about what I have to share.

Okay, let’s get started looking into the mystery of the two witnesses!

I gave a recent interview on Janie DuVall’s YouTube channel, and it got a lot of views (over 400K as I finish this post). If you didn’t see the Janie DuVall interview and would like to, you can find it at the top of the News and Media section on my website.

The interview, like my last newsletter, was mainly focused on Daniel’s Seventy Sevens and the coming Abomination of Desolation. However, a lot of people in the comment section asked why we haven’t seen the two witnesses yet. And the answer is simple, it’s because they come on the scene at the same time that the antichrist (a.k.a. beast from the sea) does. But many people have been taught otherwise. So I thought it would be good to lay out a solid explanation of when they are expected to arrive and what their time here may look like. First, let’s review the passage in Revelation 11.

Revelation 11:1-15 NIV

Again, many have been taught that the two witnesses preach during the first half of the last seven years, but that just can’t be the case. Why not?

First, their ministry is likened to 42 months in verse 2, just before it is stated that they will testify for 1260 days. That gives us a parallelism for connecting their ministry to the 42 month reign of the first beast, the one from the sea.

Second, their deaths come at the end of the second woe, or sixth trumpet, and right before the seventh trumpet, as seen in verses 11-15.

For me, those two things make it a lock. This passage tells us that the ministry of the two witnesses is going to be at the same time that the antichrist is reigning and the rest of the world is falling apart–i.e., during the second half, or last three-and-half years of the tribulation.

There are some persuasive arguments that the witnesses minister only in the first half of the tribulation. But they are based on presumptions that force a reinterpretation of the plain text. In the case of the two witnesses, though, the text really is clear, they minister in the second half. So, therefore, if I have an interpretation paradigm that tempts me to explain away what is clearly stated in Scripture, then instead, I should recognize that there may be something wrong with my interpretation paradigm. At the very least it’s a big red flag.

Remember, the text is always right, and it means what it says. [The only exception, or caveat, to that principle is if you find a statement in another part of the Bible that seems to contradict or modify our understanding of the first passage. In that case, you need to take both passages together and sort out the truth that is being taught in-between the apparently paradoxical statements. It is never a case of just deciding which Scripture you like better or think is the right one. You have to understand them both together at the same time.]

Plus, assuming I am right about already being in the final seven years, then the fact that they aren’t here yet means they must be coming in the second half simply by a process of elimination. 🙂

Many believe that they will actually be Moses and Elijah, or Enoch and Elijah, returned to the earth. Based on the fact that specifically Enoch and Elijah never actually died, so they could theoretically be allowed to come back and finish out their natural lives. As Hebrews 9:27 says, we are appointed to die once, and then to face judgment. Or, perhaps it will be Moses and Elijah because both appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, see Matthew 17. And don’t forget what the prophet Malachi said:

Malachi 4:5 NIV

Let me start by saying, that would be awesome! I would love that, and the questions that they could answer would be unbelievable. Theoretically, it’s a tantalizing idea to contemplate. Practically, however, I think it’s unlikely.

For one, having been to Heaven and returned to Earth they would have an authority that might just be over the top. They could even become objects of worship themselves. Remember how the disciples wanted to build three tabernacles as soon as they saw them standing there with Jesus? (see Matthew 17:4)

But perhaps the best reason to suspect that this will not be the case is that we already have an example to reference in Scripture. It’s found in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus said that John the Baptist WAS Elijah. [Obviously, in the spiritual sense, not in the reincarnated or physically reborn sense.]

Matthew 11:11-15 NIV

Therefore, when you look at this question from a very practical point of view, and take into account the case of John the Baptist, I think it is unlikely that it will be men brought back from the ancient past; however, if it is, no worries, no one will miss that!

So, that’s why I’m thinking that the two guys we are looking for will be men now living in this present age. Will they end up being two unknown guys from who-knows-where? Or could they be a couple of pastors or teachers who are already super well-known and like elders have proven themselves to be honorable men with fantastic ministries? Those are good questions. I wish I knew, but I suspect that they will be David-like people, not Saul-like. In other words, we may not immediately recognize their qualities or qualifications externally, but God, who judges the heart, not the outward appearance, will know them and make them known.

Revelation 11:4 says that they are the two lampstands and the two olive trees that stand before the Lord of the Earth, which is also a reference to Zechariah 4. This is a tough vision to sort out, but it has some thought provoking references to the rebuilding of the temple. The laying of the cornerstone and the temple foundation is mentioned, and also that “these seven will rejoice when they see it,” which might be a reference to the seven lampstands of the Church rejoicing when they arrive.

Some have thought that these two represent the law and the prophets, hence Moses and Elijah. Or they might represent Israel and the Church, i.e., the natural olive branches and the wild ones. In that case, one might be a Jew and the other a Gentile, but since all of the apostles were Jewish, it’s likely both witnesses will be, too.

Now, before anyone starts to envy their assignment, remember how tough they will have it. They have to wear sackcloth for 1260 days. Most of the world will hate them. They are killed at the end of that time and their dead bodies lie in the street for three and half days. And finally, if there is an early rapture, which I think there may be, they get left behind. Wow, that’s rough! Of course, great will be their reward, too.

This may seem obvious, and others, like John MacArthur, have pointed this out, but every matter should be established by two or more witnesses. Since they are delivering God’s testimony to the world, there had to be at least two…

Matthew 18:16 NIV
John 8:17 NIV
2 Corinthians 13:1 NIV

[ See that? — Three witnesses, i.e. three scriptures to make my point 🙂 ]

We’ve got to think about this question and others like it, if we want to be sure to recognize the two witnesses. And as I started to work on this section, I realized that I was seeing a lot of things that I had never really thought about before. Maybe you’ll feel the same way, too.

The sure way to recognize the two witnesses is given in Revelation 11:5-6. They will have power from the Holy Spirit performing signs that haven’t been seen on the Earth since the days of the prophets in the Old Testament. Yes, Jesus did amazing miracles, and so did the apostles, but these signs will be different.

Revelation 11:5-6 NIV

Fire coming from their mouths beckons back to Elijah calling down fire from Heaven (1 Kings 18). Shutting up the heavens so that it wouldn’t rain happened when Elijah prayed to stop the rain for a few years while Ahab was king (1 Kings 17). And it was Moses who turned the waters into blood and struck Egypt with a total of ten plagues, by the power and will of God (Exodus 7-11). These are awesome and terrible signs to be given to the two witnesses to perform, and they certainly won’t be missed.

Because they will have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to be Christ’s witnesses for those 1260 days, they will also have the same authority that we would recognize in a first century apostle. Of course, it will be absolutely critical to make sure that they really are the two witnesses, but once their identity is confirmed, it’s going to be important to listen to them.

Besides performing signs and wonders, we are also told that they will wear sackcloth and that they will be prophesying. This is another reason we know that we should be listening to them. Yes, they may be saying things to the world as a testimony against evildoers, but I’m pretty sure that they will also have a lot to say to the church as well. Remember that prophecy is for believers (1 Corinthians 14:22).

Revelation 11:3 NIV
1 Corinthians 14:22 NIV

The Two Witnesses will not be wondering if they truly are the ones God has chosen or not, because He will come on them in power like he did for the twelve apostles, as I believe Christ also prophesied in Acts 1:8.

Acts 1:8

Most people will immediately recognize that Acts 1:8 is talking about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the twelve apostles in Acts 2.

Acts 2:1-4 NIV

But the word witnesses in Acts 1:8 is the Greek word that transliterates as martyrs, and it is the same word John used in Revelation 11:3.

Revelation 11:3 NIV

So, I’m looking for a repeat of Acts 2, in the last days, for the two witnesses. God will bestow apostolic power on two guys that will probably be chosen from this generation. And that’s not all. I’m guessing it will actually happen again on…you guessed it… Pentecost.

Their calling may also come as a Damascus Road type event, in a similar way to that in which Paul was called. And once again, when that happens, there will be no mistaking it. Saul wasn’t wondering if something supernatural had really happened to him. It shook him to his core and turned his life upside down, and he went from being Saul to being Paul. And I think Paul’s call to ministry is a good model for us to consider regarding the two witnesses. Why? Because Paul’s call to ministry came in the days after Jesus ascended into Heaven, i.e., the church age, which we are still living in.

And if we are looking for a repeat of Acts 2, I’m thinking that Jesus’ words, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised” will also be fulfilled a second time. So, perhaps the calling of the two witnesses will also start in Jerusalem.

Acts 1:3-5 NIV

Reading further on in the same passage. Notice that Jesus was asked if this was now the time to restore the kingdom, i.e., the disciples were wondering if they were seeing the last days. Jesus told them that it isn’t for them to know, and then told them that the Holy Spirit will come up on them and they would be his witnesses. And then Jesus ascended into heaven, and the angels who were there watching with them told them that Jesus would one day return in the same way.

Acts 1:6-11 NIV

Clearly, that was all fulfilled in Acts 2, but I see a possible double fulfillment for two reasons. First, the initial context is the last days. Second, at the end of the passage, the angels talk about Jesus returning in the same way that he just left. Those bookends seem like a foreshadowing that Jesus’ words will be repeated with the two witnesses in the last days.

Hence, if the two witnesses have the same start in Jerusalem, then it seems logical that their ministry would also begin in Jerusalem, and then to Judea and Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth, either physically or because their message will be carried all over the Earth, or both.

This one struck me as something I should have known, but I just didn’t see it coming. So, we’ve already established that although the two witnesses will have the power of the ministries of Elijah and Moses, we should probably be thinking more along the lines of John the Baptist. Well, if we think about what Luke said the ministry of John the Baptist was, then I think it may be a good indication of what the ministry of the two witnesses will be.

Luke 1:17 NIV

This was stunning to me! Again, something so obvious, but hidden in plain sight. Let’s break down these things that Luke lists for us one by one.

1.) TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS TO THEIR CHILDREN. This is a quote of Malachi 4:6, and I think it is also a reference to the spiritual condition which precedes it that is given in Psalm 78:5-8.

Malachi 4:6 NASB
Psalm 78:5 NASB

First, we could understand this verse to be saying that the Jewish people of today, the children of prior generations, need to “not be like their fathers” who were stubborn and rebellious, whose spirits were not faithful to God. Elijah’s call is for them to repent and keep God’s commandments, to put their confidence in Him, and to not forget His works. The two witnesses must undoubtedly be calling the Jewish people to turn to God and believe in Jesus as their Messiah.

But I believe there are also some broader applications for all people: 1) Fathers, have you put your confidence fully in God so that you will not forget His works and will comply with all His commands? 2) Fathers, have you been neglecting your children by not teaching them all these things? I would say that means both literal children AND spiritual children, i.e. people that we have led to the Lord or discipled in the past or have otherwise shepherded.

2.) Turn the Disobedient to the Attitude of the Righteous. Again, there is clearly a direct application for the lost to be called to repentance and to believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation, both Jews and Gentiles. But let’s be honest, the Church has become an unruly bunch on the earth and has become pretty divided in doctrine and practice over the past 2000 years. I think there is an application here for us as well. We are full of division. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes. We are easily offended. We want to remove specks from everyone else’s eyes, but ignore our own planks. We compromise with sin. We idolize many things in this present age that are not worthy of the time and adoration we give them. We neglect the Word of God. We are embracing a form of godliness but denying its power. We tolerate false teachers. Need I go on?

Furthermore, we are in great need of correction to our doctrines. We know this implicitly, simply by observing the diversity of doctrines that exist across the many sects and denominations we see today. Clearly, they can’t all be right. However, at the present time, we lack any real referees or Holy Spirt empowered apostolic judges who can set us all straight. So we congregate according to our consciences, but we cannot really settle things on our own between factions. Which leads me to the final point.

3.) To Make Ready a People Prepared for the Lord. Lastly, this is again certainly about getting the Jewish people ready for the return of the Messiah. Nevertheless, I believe one big job for the two witnesses will also be to get the Church ready for the Bridegroom.

Wow! Had you ever considered that all this might be part of the work of the two witnesses? But once you start thinking about it like this, it seems pretty clear that it probably will be.

So, I hope this isn’t presumptuous, but I think they are also going to need help. Why? Because almost all of God’s human ministers in the Scriptures did.

Think of Moses. He had to appoint men to help him.

Genesis 18:17-23 NIV

And what about David? He had his Mighty Men. See 2 Samuel 23.

Or, how about the Disciples? They also needed help with logistics and ministry so that they could focus on doing what the Lord had sent them to do.

Acts 6:1-7 NIV

And don’t forget about Paul. He had lots of people helping him: Barnabus, Luke, Mark, Timothy, Tychicus, Epaphras, Demas, Nympha, Archippus, Justus, Aquila and Priscilla, Euodia, Syntyche, Clement, Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus, Phoebe, Epenetus, Mary, Andronicus, Junia, Ampliatus, Urbanus, Stachys, Apelles, Aristobulus, Herodion, Narcissus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, Philologus, Julia, Nereus, Olympas, Philemon, Apphia, Onesimus, and I may have even missed a few. If you want some encouragement, look at the ends of Paul’s letters and read about all the people listed above that Paul acknowledged and thanked for their help.

There is another inference that could be made about the arrival of the two witnesses based on the pattern of the disciples and their empowerment by the Holy Spirit. But first, I think we should expect that the two witnesses will somehow be called by God around Passover. Why? Because it was the time when Christ died and was resurrected, and it is also probably when the 42-month reign of the antichrist will begin. And here’s the point: Although the witnesses might be called to start their ministry around Passover, they may not receive their power until Pentecost, nearly fifty days later, if things repeat the way they happened the first time. Of course, it doesn’t have to, and they might get their power right away, in which case, it will be obvious.

Furthermore, imagine how many people may initially claim to have had a dream, or say that they saw a vision, or heard voices, where God told them that they were one of the witnesses? I can imagine hundreds of people falsely claiming they are one of them. This could be another reason that their testimonies will initially be hard to accept, because there will also be counterfeits present. However, given their power in the Holy Spirit to perform signs, this may not be a problem for long.

Anyway, when you think about the fact that there are already at least 19 people currently claiming to be Jesus Christ living in the world today, it seems plausible to me that there will also be people falsely claiming to be one of the witnesses. Plus, there are already a lot of people today claiming to have full apostolic authority, so it’s not a stretch for some of them to also claim that God has called them to be one of the witnesses, when He hasn’t.

And thinking about the two witnesses and how to recognize them, it occurred to me that it might be more difficult than I initially thought. Why? Well, what if they aren’t Moses and Elijah, or even two famous pastor/teachers, but instead are two unknown guys from who-knows-where? In the latter case, I’m guessing that their testimonies will be difficult for many, if not most to accept, at least at first—particularly, by many of the religious leaders of the day. And why do I think that? Because who accepted John the Baptist’s testimony? Many people did, but many, if not most, of the religious leaders of the day did not.

Matthew 21:23-27 NIV

And here’s another twist. Not only may it be difficult to verify the identity of the two witnesses, at least initially, but also false believers will never accept their correction. Again, as in the days of John the Baptist, not everyone was keen to accept his message and repent. And here’s the crazy thought, I think that the False Church will use the Book of Revelation to accuse the two witnesses of being the Beast and the False Prophet. What?!

Well, just look at what is happening right now. Good is being called Evil and Evil Good. Patriots are called Insurrectionists and violent anarchists are said to be defending democracy. Jews defending their land are called Nazis and are accused of genocide, while Hamas terrorists are called innocent victims and freedom fighters. Christians are racists and bigots, while pedofiles are called minor attracted persons. And just like Jesus was called Beelzebul, the two witnesses will be called evil, while the antichrist will be worshipped as the false messiah.

Matthew 10:25 NIV

There are also Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:24 that could easily be used to falsely accuse the two witnesses of being false prophets. Just think about how diabolical this is likely to be! As the two witnesses are trying to establish the truth of their ministry by doing true signs and wonders, their accusers will use those same signs and wonders to make the accusation that they are actually false prophets. And if so, then I suspect that even the elect might almost fall for it.

Matthew 24:24 NASB

Plus, there is some overlap between the signs that the two witnesses will perform and those that the false prophet will, so it will be easy slander. In Revelation 13:13, it says that the false prophet, or beast from the earth, will even cause fire to come down from heaven. Think how easy it will be to say that the two witnesses defending themselves with fire from their mouths are really just the beast and the false prophet…

Revelation 13:11-14a NIV

But maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. Remember the words of Jesus in John 16 that a time “is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.” That statement could certainly be true of Christian martyrs killed by fanatics of other religions (i.e. Islam, Hinduism, etc.), but how about if we applied this statement to apostate believers who will actually be serving Satan, not God, by calling for the death of Christians? A sobering thought, but it demonstrates the point that the people who will be doing these evil acts will believe themselves to be righteous and that the righteous ones they are killing are evil. And therefore, they will almost certainly label the two witnesses as false prophets and the epitome of evil. And what better way to confuse people than to slander them as the two villains of the Book of Revelation.

John 16:1-4a NIV

This would also explain the behavior of the world exchanging gifts to celebrate that the two witnesses have finally been killed by the antichrist. They might have a hard time celebrating if the world saw them as righteous people, but believing them to be the embodiment of evil, they will be able to celebrate joyously.

Revelation 13:10 NIV

What I’m concerned about, is that the church hasn’t really thought enough about what to expect regarding the two witnesses, so we might not recognize them right away. One reason for that is because most have assumed that the witnesses will just suddenly appear and everyone will instantly recognize them with no problem. If that is true, and they will be unmistakable, then I’ve got nothing to worry about, and the scenario I laid out above will be easily refuted and set aside. I mean, if Moses and Elijah, or Enoch and Elijah were really suddenly walking around in Jerusalem, or anywhere for that matter, there is little chance that the Church would fail to recognize them.

Thus, if the two witnesses arrive supernaturally, then no worries. It will be clear. But, if they are just two men chosen by God out of the remnant of His Church living on earth, then it may be a little more difficult. John the Baptist wasn’t initially widely recognized, or even Jesus himself, for that matter. Even after they had been ministering for a while and were seen to be fulfilling prophecy, many still didn’t accept them. Could something like that happen again with the two witnesses? I think so.

I am raising these very difficult and practical issues because I am realizing more and more just how close we could really be to all of this beginning to happen, and I’m not ready. I bet none of us are really ready.

We’ve spent a lot of time imagining how things would play out, as in a movie we would like to watch. But very soon we are going to find out that it is actually a play, and when we do, it will be because we are suddenly handed the part that we are supposed to play in it!

My wife and I will be flying to Israel at the end of March to see for ourselves if anything out of the ordinary is going to happen. Please pray for our safety, but also that we will be able to see what is going on and meet the people that in the Lord’s providence and wisdom, He wants us to talk to. Going to Israel near the end of a war might not sound prudent, but I’m sure it’s still probably safer than a visit to Chicago. [I’m only partly kidding about that.] Our lives are ALWAYS in God’s hands, no matter where we are. So there’s really no need to be afraid, if you feel called to go somewhere—and we do feel called to go at this time. It is also a great time to show our support for Israel. We hope that the Israelis we meet there will see how much we care about them and the land that they have been given by God.

Will this really be it? I wish I knew, but who hopes for what he sees? This trip is about going to the door and checking if the master is about to return.

Romans 8:22-25 NASB
Luke 12:35-37a NIV

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the safety of the Jewish people and their soldiers fighting the war in Gaza. Pray for the return of the hostages. Pray for the salvation of Jews and Muslims, that both sides would come to know Jesus as their Messiah. Pray that the government stops interferring with Jewish people attempting to restore the practice of their faith. Remember that their returning to faith in God and to their religious practice is a fulfillment of prophecy… AND it is a big step towards them being able to see how Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of the Messiah.

There is serious intent and a genuine possibility to sacrifice the Red Heifer before Passover this year. Some in the government want to prohibit the attempt in order to avoid raising tensions even higher with Muslims in East Jerusalem and the disputed parts of Judea and Samaria (aka, the West Bank). But appeasement will never solve the problem, it will only encourage them. Unfortunately, that is exactly the strategy that is being debated within the Israeli government, and who knows what will actually happen. Nevertheless, the Shabbat of the Red Heifer is coming up and if it does happen, we are really hoping that we will be able to witness it. But we trust God’s perfect timing and that He will help arrange that, if it is His will. For more on the possible significance of that event see my last newsletter.

Something else new to consider about the red heifer. The attacks of October 7 were abominable and they made a desolation of the land. They were not focused at the holy place, though, so I don’t think those atrocities qualify as the event we are looking for, but they might be giving us a clue about what to expect. Especially, if we really stop and think about the fact that Hamas later announced their attack on October 7 was because of the red cows, i.e. to stop the sacrifice of the red heifer and “to defend al-Aqsa,” i.e. the Temple Mount.


Some of you may already be going there, but, would an October 7 style attack of the Temple Mount, with the express purpose of preventing the reinstatement of sacrifices, be something that would fulfill what we are told in Scripture?

Daniel 11:31 NIV

The Hebrew word for abolish is a form of the word, soor (Strongs H5493), which means to remove, take away, put aside, eliminate, rid, or annul, and with the “Hiphil” prefix (which this form of the word has) it can mean to put aside, leave undone, retract, reject, or abolish. In that case, the true sense of this prophecy might be that they will cause the effort to restore sacrifices to be set aside and left undone. Their act will be a rejection of Jewish aspirations to restore sacrifices. Whoa! That would be a lot different than what most, including myself, were expecting.

Of course, there would still need to be some kind of declaration about being God given by someone who fits the bill of the antichrist, but what if that came at a later time, like after the mayhem was resolved? Perhaps even by a person who helped clean up the mayhem? And if so, then such a statement could come a month or more later, after the antichrist has begun his official rise to power, when he will reign for 42 months. After all, the reference to counting 1290 days doesn’t mention the declaration of being God at that moment. And such a separation of events would obfuscate his identity, helping it to be an event that many will still not understand or accept, even though they watch it.

Daniel 12:9-12 NIV

Thus, I am suggesting that the abomination of desolation and the antichrist setting himself up in the temple of God and declaring himself to be God could be two separate events. And furthermore, that even if the Jews don’t reinstate sacrifices, if they are attacked for the express purpose of stopping them from doing so, then I think that might actually fulfill what was written by Daniel, i.e. that the forces of the antichrist will cause the sacrifices to be set aside. Again, I’m not saying this is what it will be, I’m just trying to expand my own thoughts about what to be watching for.

So those of you who have been following me for a while know that I’ve been developing this idea of the two seventy sevens for about fifteen years, and in earnest since the start of the COVID pandemic. The idea just didn’t get a lot of traction, until recently. Maybe it’s just coincidence, but I think that the Holy Spirit is starting to move and He is finally letting the idea begin to get out. As a result, I’ve also been leaning forward a lot more in faith that the timing is truly correct. This moment in my life feels a lot like that scene in the Indiana Jones Last Crusade movie where Indy has to make a step of faith out onto a rock bridge that he can’t see. Whatever happens, God will be there for me, and I trust that things will work out for good, because that’s what God promises, and I know that He rewards steps of faith.

I’ll have another interview coming up with Janie DuVall, so you can be on the look out for that, too. 🙂 This one will be on the temple location.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, and may we be found ready when He comes. Amen and Maranatha!

Christian Widener, PhD


P.S. Feel free to reach out anytime with comments, suggestions, or questions. 🙂


19 Comments on “Looking for the Two Witnesses

  1. So much to consider prayerfully. May the Holy Spirit give us discernment and prepare us for what we are to face, whatever it be, with faith in Him! And to be bold and courageous and be witnesses too, that others may come to faith before it’s too late for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. now that I have seen you on the Janie Duvall show. And that I personally know the retired dentist who owns a ranch next to mine has told me the whole story about the two rabbis, stopping by his ranch and wanting to look at his red Angus cattle when he told me what happened. It blew my mind. It seems like my heart just exploded within my chest, I felt that this is it. This is really going to happen since he gave me all the events that took place about a couple weeks after the allies 50 years so rabbis around the world came to his ranch and he started examining the cattle wondered for all these years , God has let me live this long I will be 82 May 13 I was born May 13, 1941 seven years prior to the new nation of Israel being born that tells me that I am that generation where God says all these things are counter pass how long is the generation , it’s more than 75 years because Israel is in their 75th year. I feel God has allowed me to be a part of all of this. I don’t know why just because he loves me and Christain. I am so glad that you and your wife are going to Israel to witness the sacrifice of this heifer, I know my neighbor is going and I’m sure he will tell me the whole story same as he did the day that they called him and told him they had for have been chosen. He was walking around the lake between us and he said the Holy Spirit told him I’ve got to go tell us to Lloyd Lord, for this it calms my soul to see the things that I’ve read and on the Bible are coming to fruition. God bless you, Christain. I pray that you have a safe trip.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rev. 11:8 declares where our Lord was crucified, identifying the great city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt is Jerusalem – these 2 witnesses have bodies, so human


  4. Thank you for a great study and your research.


    Shabbat Shalom

    Blake Willison from Texas


  5. I’m new to you. I just finished this post “Looking for the Two Witnesses.” Wow. Great job. I had not thought about their significance and possible roles in the end time as you have so vividly confirmed. You have opened my eyes to much. Also, I respect your approach to your studies in that you always make me feel you are doing the best you can to reveal a biblical truth rather than make a truth biblical.


  6. Thank you so much for this piece of the two witnesses. I was wondering when I read your e book on the two 483 years that you missed out on the two witnesses and here they are so I was wondering why you left them out in your book. I also learnt from other who follow Sadhu closely that he knows that an Apartment booked or bought to house the two witnesses have been done and the Apartment which only a handful of people know where they are is a secret location in Jerusalem. So yes there are helpers already abound managed by the Holy Spirit to do what is required, no one has been able to identify the two though. So I think your versions of who they are and they already exists both here or heaven is also true.


  7. Shalom- I recently came across a few videos that you were featured in. I’ve been watching for Yeshua’s return for a very long time. Watching the events unfold in Israel….praying..

    I had become so disappointed and disillusioned by mainstream preachers and their theories. When I came across you in video I almost kept scrolling but a little voice said- stop.

    I’ve since then shared your videos and website to as many as I could.

    I appreciate the humility in your teaching. I can’t go to Israel so thank you for going for me and many others. I’m watching with you brother….

    It is past time for Teshuva.


  8. will you consider doing a podcast or even a audible book. I will most likely read the books but would love to beable to listen and it would be easier to share your thoughts if it was in podcast format.


  9. I’m new to Christian’s writings, etc.. One question I have is I would like more evidence refuting the 2 witnesses showing up at mid-trib rather than at the beginning of the trib. as it is commonly taught. Thanks dan


    • Thank you, Dan. Well, to begin with, that the two witnesses arrive in the first half is only commonly taught by certain people. Many other teachers, say like John MacArthur, for example, teach they arrive in the second half along with the Antichrist. The direct clues in the text place you in the second half. But there are inferences that people make that cause them to assume that when the witnesses are killed by the beast that rises out of the abyss, that this must mean he kills them as soon as he rises, meaning they were already for nearly 1260 days, however if the designation that he rises from the abyss is only an identifier and not a timing reference, which it doesn’t include, then there is no conflict and the presumption that they must be in the first half is unnecessary and conflicts with the other direct timing statements I mention in the article. I hope that helps. ☺️


  10. I believe the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah, because of what is said in the Book of Revelation; they will be doing the same things they did in the Old Testament.
    Revelation 11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: (((They will prophesy for 3-1/2 years in the great tribulation, Elijah did this in the Old Testament.)))
    and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. (((Moses did this in Egypt.)))

    The two witnesses will not come until the covenant is broken in the middle of the 7-year covenant, because they will only witness for 31/2 years at the end of which they both are killed and then raptured.

    (Revelation 11:3-12) “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. {4} These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. {5} And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. {6} These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. {7} And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. {8} And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. {9} And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. {10} And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. {11} And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. {12} And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”
    God bless.


  11. Have you considered the Two Witnesses to be the Old and New Testament that will be ” outlawed and killed” by the Artificial Intelligence? 


  12. I enjoyed your the interview with Janie DuVall, watched it twice..bought both your books, if anything to support the team. I was so glad that you perceived that the actual mission of the two witnesses was far more important than their actual identity or actual identity of the anti-christ ..their mission being; getting us all in the Body of Messiah on the same page, which I’m inclined to think with their progressive revelations regarding the restoration of all things Acts 3:21 especially in regards to restoring the fallen Sukkah of David Acts 15:15-21..will be the time of the great falling away, along with combating the actual two false witnesses fighting against the actual true two witnesses, as well as the pseudo-Messiah..WHEW!!!..below is my comment to your interview with Janie, Shalom Shalom Isaiah 26:1-4[1]IN THAT DAY shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation/Yahshua will be appointed for walls and bulwarks.[2]Open you the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps/guards the truth may enter in.[3]You will keep him in SHALOM SHALOM/in perfect peace/in complete compliance, whose mind/whose imagination is stayed on You: because he trusts in You.[4]Trust you in יהוה for ever: for in YAH YAHWEH is everlasting strength:


    …being a born-again Spirit-filled Spirit-led Torah-guarding German Jewish follower of the Lamb, going wherever He goes and for many years now, singing the two songs which are really just one song Rev.15:3><Isaiah 8:20 🤔..we all need to sincerely/desperately pray for Abba Yahweh to prepare our hearts before the arrival of these two, who will most definitely be prophetically determined to get us all on the same page in all truth, which I know will probably not go well for me, and I’m compliant, but completely compliant..??..yikes!!..especially here in the west where we really don’t realize at all how really theologically smug we are..PLEASE Rabbi Yahshua, via the Ruach haKodesh Who leads us and guides us into all truth..into Kol Emet Psalms 119:142

    Ps. And if it is Paul??..in his words Romans 7:14,22-25
    [14]For we know that the Torah is SPIRITUAL: but I am carnal, sold under sin..
    ..[22]For I delight in the Torah of Elohim after the inner man:
    [23]But I see another torah in my members, warring against the Torah of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the torah of sin(of torahlessness) which is in my members.
    [25]I thank Elohim through Yahshua Messiah our Adonai. So then with the mind I myself serve the Torah of Elohim; but with the flesh the torah of sin.. Have mercy on us all, in the Body of Messiah..anyways Christian thank you for attempting to widen believers.. again Hebrews 13:8 Yahshua Messiah the same yesterday, today and forever..


    • Shalom! Thank you for such a blessed and encouraging response, and for that heart-felt and Spirit-led prayer for our Messiah’s bride! May we be found ready when He comes.– Luke 12:38 🙂


  13. You have outlined things that we should be thinking about better than anyone else I have heard. If the “two witnesses” are already among us, I have no idea of who they might be, but I do believe they may already be here yet go unrecognized. So, I think you are on the right track. So much of what we have learned about them is nothing more than church dogma and fantastic imagery. The one thing you did not touch on (as much) was that they will be “clothed in sackcloth”. That seems like the least of things to be worried about, but I still have a very hard time picturing anyone (literally) wearing sackcloth as part of their empowered public “testimony” to the world. I’m afraid to “symbolize/spiritualize” the sackcloth into just having a spirit of “mourning/repentence”. I tend to read things literally first, and then consider the spiritual implications later. Do you have any idea of how a literal interpretation of being clothed in sackcloth might present itself in today’s context?


    • Thank you, Mike. It’s a good question about the sackcloth. It is certainly not a western thing, but some Jews today still wear sackcloth, and some Christians do, too, as an outward sign of mourning. It may also be meant to be a symbolic characterization, as you mentioned, describing their demeanor and attitude. I suspect that they will eventually be seen actually wearing sackcloth, though, in obedience to the prophecy, as things really heat up and the opposition against them kicks into high gear.


  14. Howdy Christian,

    Thank you for the diligent investigation and focused pursuit of all the data points you have made clear. The one thing that I still haven’t fit into a time line is the shortening of the days.

    We are told that the day is known ‘by the Father’ so it is a fixed date. So then the only way to shorten the days would be to delay their beginning. And if the ‘time of the locust’ is being specific it is a May through September event. So if the two witnesses are to appear in concert with the instead of Christ wont their time of activity be shortened too? And if the second part of the tribulation has been shortened to 150 days (five months) are there any indications that would cite their beginning?


    • Thank you very much, Mark! That’s a very good question and a reasonable suggestion. Christ’s statement that those days would be cut short for the sake of the elect is definitely a mysterious one. What exactly did he mean? There is more than one possibility, though. Certainly we can guess, but I’m not sure at all on that one. It may just mean that the Lord will need to collect us early, otherwise, none of the elect would survive. The statement in general, though, gives me assurance that the Lord is watching and that He will intervene at the right time. 🙂


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