Finding Solomon

What’s My Next Project?

Finding Solomon: Rediscovering the Works of Israel’s Greatest Builder

In my next book, I explore how Israel’s greatest builder was allegedly lost, but in reality, many of his projects can still be seen all over Israel.

The purpose of this book is to not only defend the biblical narrative by restoring the historicity of King Solomon, but also to further support the findings of my first book regarding the precise location of the temple on the Temple Mount.

Once these revelations are out, it should no longer be possible to have any doubt about the veracity of the biblical accounts of Solomon. I also guarantee that anyone who has visited Israel before, will be blown away to know that much of what they have seen was not built by Herod, Hadrian, Constantine, the Byzantines, the Umayyads, the Crusaders, or even the Ottomans, but was built by Solomon. To be sure, all of those groups left their mark on the city of Jerusalem, but they didn’t completely erase Solomon’s works, as popularly believed.

Expected Release: 2024